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88 [News] uPrism Signs MOU Contract with Spectra's Multi-Channel Service 4993

Cable/Wireless multimedia collaboration solutions company, uPrism, and mobile marketing engagement service company, Spectra, announced on the 15th that they've agreed on a MOU contract.

This contract is expected to bring forth a synergetic effect with the integration of uPrism's video conference consulting solution (SmileCC) and Spectra's integrated consulting solution platform (eNomix), which both consist of a variety of references.

Both companies were able to agree on the fact that non face-to-face consulting market, and its importance is gradually growing, and are planning to focus on business related to the developing channels and platform between corporations and its clients.

Meanwhile, uPrism offers various commercialized experiences with its unrivaled multimedia solutions technology, and UX knowledge to be recognized as the leader of Korea's video conference solutions. Spectra is a mobile marketing engagement service company that leads the domestic market in connecting customers with businesses.

[Source] Global News Network 'AVING' by eunjung yu


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