재난방재 | 영상공유 - seeMon
Smart disaster control solutions
seemon main image

It is a service solution that allows on-site control personnel to share real-time, real-time video of a dangerous situation, images, and CCTV images with their smartphones, and at the same time respond instantly to the instructions of the control center through voice calls.

seemon 특장점

  1. 영상공유

    Real time phone, CCTV, recordings

  2. 판서

    On the all shared screen

    domestic unique

  3. 통화

    Share video while on call

  4. 녹화

    Record shared contents

     and call simultaneously

  5. 녹화

    Chorme, Firefox, Opera

  1. Presence

    Manage status of user app

  2. 파일/채팅

    Group recipients /chat

  3. 그룹

    Multipoint Video Sharing service

  4. 관리

    Monitoring tool provided

seemon effect

  • 대처 능력 향상

    Improve coping alility Checks the changing situation and prepares counteraction

  • 협업강화

    Reinforcement of collaboration Easy to recognize the situation and communicate

  • 신속한 의사 결정

    Quick decision Quick decision based on accurate information

  • 비용 절감

    Cost saving Command on-site at remote site

seemon function

  • seemon function bullet

    Multipoint video sharing in Real time

  • seemon function bullet

    Multipoint recorded video sharing in Real time

  • seemon function bullet

    Multipoint image sharing in Real time

  • seemon function bullet

    Multipoint CCTV sharing in Real time

  • seemon function bullet

    Change role to share video

  • seemon function bullet

    Annotation on the shared screen

  • seemon function bullet

    Prensence status of user

  • seemon function bullet

    Group call while sharing image

  • seemon function bullet

    Invite / Expel user

  • seemon function bullet

    Group text chat

  • seemon function bullet

    File Transfer to multiple recipients

  • seemon function bullet

    Record shared contents and call simultaneously

  • seemon function bullet

    Dedicated PC/mobile app

  • seemon function bullet

    Manager web for Administrator

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