영상상담 | 화상상담 - smilecc
Smart video consulting solution
smilecc main image

It is the first smart video consulting solution for the 5G age where Samdamwon provides multimedia (voice, video, data, and chat) with customers through both PCs and smartphones.

화상상담 | 영상상담 smilecc 장점

  1. Mobile

    Android, iOS

  2. CTI

    Call processing/distribution

  3. 암호화

    All data encryption

  4. 라이브러리

    Fast&Easy development(OS-specific support)

  1. 크로스브라우징

    IE, Chrome, Firefox

  2. 미디어

    Network , device-specific

     custom video transmission

  3. 판서

    On all sharing target

    domestic unique

  4. Web RTC

    Chrome, Firefox, Opera

smilecc effect

  • 효과적 상담

    Effective counseling Customers easily understand

  • 경쟁력 강화

    Competitiveness Service Infrastructure for a new era of smartphone

  • 의사 결정

    Decision-making Quick decision with various information

  • 편리성

    Convenience Service available anywhere

smilecc function

  • smilecc function bullet

    Call distribution logic

  • smilecc function bullet

    Counselor state management

  • smilecc function bullet

    Number of waiting customer management

  • smilecc function bullet

    Record of counseling

  • smilecc function bullet

    Call processing statistics

  • smilecc function bullet

    Dedicated PC / Mobile App

  • smilecc function bullet

    HD Video / Voice counseling

  • smilecc function bullet

    Application sharing

  • smilecc function bullet

    Desktop sharing

  • smilecc function bullet

    Document sharing(MS-office, PDF etc.)

  • smilecc function bullet

    Web / Whiteboard / VOD sharing

  • smilecc function bullet

    Annotation on all sharing target

  • smilecc function bullet

    3DES/RSA/ARIA, AES/TLS/DTLS Encryption

  • smilecc function bullet

    Remote PC control

  • smilecc function bullet

    Text chat

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